Free as a bird........ - Reisverslag uit Melbourne, Australië van Birthe Opzeeland - Free as a bird........ - Reisverslag uit Melbourne, Australië van Birthe Opzeeland -

Free as a bird........

Door: Birthe van Opzeeland

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Birthe

28 November 2013 | Australië, Melbourne

Ok I know it has been a long time since I've wrote my blog. But finally here it is! So much happened and I don't even know where to begin.... But let's just begin with leaving the boat after more than 3 months!

Off course we had a crazy night before we left, we wanted to leave in style. So in the night we wanted to jump of top deck (like 3 to 4 stories high). (If you always have read me blog you know I lived on a boat hostel). I would do it in a second, the only thing that was holding me back was the risk of losing my 100 dollar deposit. I definitely didn't wanted that. But finally we decided we would do it and with a couple more people I jumped of top deck into the water! All wet running around the boat to get my clothes back I spotted the Dave, the guy from the boat, and started running back down and told everyone to hide! Unfortunately when you are wet you can see your footprints so he knocked on my door where I was with two other guys and one of them jumped as well. We tried to hide in the closet and in the shower but he came back and finally came into the room and shouted we had to leave the boat immediately! I was so scared because I had to leave the next morning and I never did something wrong, so why send me of the boat. So when he came back I gave my best performance ever! I started crying and said I didn't jumped of top deck and only jumped in the water and why send me away etc etc and he then started apologizing to me and I didn't had to leave and sorry for yelling at me, it's just that its dangerous to jump of it people can break something or die..... But yeah I could stay and got my deposit back!

So the next morning we left the boat! We went to Adelaide and spent the weekend there, finally in a real city with different people! We loved it haha. So after the weekend we started our 5 day road trip to Melbourne with 11 of us in a bus! We had al our stuff and tents and the bus was packed and we just left and started driving! It was pretty cold and rainy on our way but it was still so much fun and so beautiful. We've seen some amazing places and views and stayed at cool camping sites where we made camp fires and had a BBQ. Alone at the second night the tent of Chrissy, Steff and me gave up and started leaking. So we spooned each other but decided to sleep in the bus the last two nights! And then finally we arrived in Melbourne! Our destination!

Melbourne looked pretty cool! So that was a good sign. We were staying in the ritz hostel in st kilda where also the beach is. It's a pretty cool area with nice streets and not too big. But yeah we arrived and we wanted to stay for a while so the job hunting started. I really didn't mind what, as long as I could earn some money and have a good time! Finally I had some interviews and as well for fundraising on the street for make a wish foundation! I went to the interview and got hired! Who would have thought that, me the shy awkward quiet person is going to approach people on the street to talk to them! But it was a challenge and I don't even mind doing it, basically because its not about me if they are not nice so this is way easier then approaching people in 'normal' live. Because then I'm still my awkward self off course ;). It's pretty nice, I'm outside the whole time, meet nice people and I have my weekends off! And I have cool colleagues as well so that makes the work way more easy. Always laughing and having fun! Oh and the free stuff is also pretty cool, free drinks, food and even hats against the sun! Living the dream haha

I'm still here with the girls and we do some nice stuff, going to markets, shops, bars, restaurants etc. I just love it with them and we're having a great time. Melbourne is a great city with annoying weather though, one day it's cold and the other it's boiling.

Oh and I almost forget about some important changes in my live haha. The first day I was in Melbourne and exploring st kilda I got my tattoo. I already wanted it for a long long time but never said it because it had to be mine decision! So I did it, free as a bird! It has more meaning but basically it stands for my travels and that I can do whatever I want to do, I'm free. And I was always insecure and shy and I know I don't have to be, I'm able to do what I want!
And after that I decided to get a piercing in my ear! These changes didn't even hurt although I first was afraid it would, but it didn't I took good care of it and I'm really happy with all of it! Makes the travel special!

Everything is awesome and I'm healthy and everything is alright but to end it I have a story that happened two weeks ago. First of all my phone was flipping and not working properly, I took battery out, SIM card and sd cart and my phone was still working, Internet swiping everything..... Little bit creepy, I think I've been followed haha. So because I use my phone all the time I decided to buy a new one. When that evening I was exploring my new phone alone in the room a guy came in the door opening asking where the toilets were, not that difficult I thought but I said where they were. But he stared me turned around and closed the door a little bit, while he was sill in the room.... I felt so uncomfortable, but felt guilty as well because maybe it was just a new person at the hostel. Then he left and came back again saying he couldn't find it. So he asked me to show him, so I walked him to the toilets. And went back to my room and closed the door. Sometimes you just have a feeling that something doesn't feel right. But then someone was trying to get in my room and I sat still in my room. And them there was knocking so I opened the door and it was a guy from the hostel asking me if I've seen a strange guy that doesn't belong here. And I did off course. So we walked into the common room and the stranger came out the closet and had a hammer and made a move with the hammer towards the guy from the hostel and I was standing next to it. I was shitting myself haha. They got him outside and luckily noting happened but it was really scary because he could have done something when I was alone in the room! So full of adrenaline that I was I ran to the room where I knew one of the girls was. While telling the story I cut my foot on glass. Blood everywhere and it wouldn't stop. Eventually it did and I cleaned it and put a plaster on it. Until a couple of days later it started to hurt it got purple and thick! So I had to go to the doctor and he told me it was infected. He had to cut it open to get the stuff out and usually they give an injection, but because the injection would hurt a lot he decided to cut in my infected wound WITHOUT any injections, so I could feel everything. Not the best moment and feeling, I got antibiotics and a tetanus injection. I worked that day but it was hurting lot. But luckily everything is alright now and almost healed! So no worries

Everything is fine now, Christmas and new year are coming and summer is calling in OZ! So let's head to the party's and let's get tanned!

See yas soon!

Love B

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Verslag uit: Australië, Melbourne


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