On land, sea and in the air! - Reisverslag uit Mission Beach, Australië van Birthe Opzeeland - WaarBenJij.nu On land, sea and in the air! - Reisverslag uit Mission Beach, Australië van Birthe Opzeeland - WaarBenJij.nu

On land, sea and in the air!

Door: Birthe van Opzeeland

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Birthe

06 Mei 2013 | Australië, Mission Beach

Unfortunately waarbenjij.nu thought it was a great idea to skip a big part of my last blog! So the last part isn't on the site, I'm sorry about that. But I'll keep it in mind and you'll get it one day because I'm not going to write it all over again :). So I owe you guys Fraser island....

After Fraser we stayed another night in rainbow beach and the next day we did a walk to the coloured sand, guess where the name comes from.... Eventually we figured out that we walked a really rough path, going up and down. Just of the beaten track, but it was worth it, it looked beautiful! But at our way back we decided to walk the easy way, just on the road. that was way better because of the heath. I'm not complaining off course, because I know it's cold back home in the Netherlands, but I just have to get used to it ;)! So after our beautiful walk and colourful experience we headed up to Hervey bay.

We arrived in the evening and we could already see that it was a nice hostel! Thank god it was, because there was literally nothing to do.... Except for the one time we went to the shops because Rianne needed a new camera. But further we just chilled at the pool, and we had a nice room without bunkbeds! after 3 nights we went to town 1770 (very creative name,.because the town was discovered in.... 1770 what else). We arrived in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night! (amazing sky with the stars, but a little bit of road) so good thing they do pick ups!

So we we're in the car for another half an hour, when we finally arrived at the hostel. The owner was a little bit chaotic and all over the place. So at 2 in the night he told us that our booked castaway trip was a bad idea and he would strongly say to us not to do it..... so we we're a little bit overwhelmed but went anyway at 9 the other morning to the briefing. Actually only to try to get out of it because it would all be a lie. But there was no way to get out and the Dutch girl who worked there was really nice and convinced us that it would be amazing! Later on we heard and realized that everybody in the small town is just trying to bitch at everyone! So just decide yourself is the best way!
The next morning we we're ready to play some Tom hanks on a desert island and we we're ready to find wilson! Because that was castaway, dropping us at a desert island for a night! We we're pretty exited but the best part from the whole trip was the flight! That was so exhilarating! It was awesome! The pilot would do some stunts, like turning of the engine so you experienced a free fall! Or he would turn the plain and all that kind of crazy stuff! At the island itself was nothing except for our camp, we slept in a tent and were looking in the dark with a flashlight for the best place to pee.... Not really glamourous, but all part of the experience...because we were on castaway! The nature was beautiful, so as the walk. So it was a great experience! But the plain is still the best ;).

So after that trip we had a couple of days left and because the surflessons were so cheap (17 dollars) we decided to do that! It would be my first surfing experience! I thought it was pretty amazing! unfortunately I'm not a natural but I could stand on my board the first day! So I was pretty happy with that,.although I wish I was a pro. But practice practice practice! But I know I'm a natural in making nice pics when I'm falling, I'm doing the best belly flop ever. Falling flat on the water ;) (that was supposed to be the best way!). So it was really amazing and I really want to learn it, but I will! And I've the time, I've loads of time!

So after town 1770 we had the nightbus to airlie beach! This was the city where we would do the Whitsundays! Finally there were some shops and a nice street, after the two ghosttowns. So it was a really nice place to stay, we chilled and stayed at the lagoon etc before we went to Whitsundays. The weather forecast didn't looked great, only showers. And after Fraser with rain we didn't want it again! But we were so lucky, it was an amazing boat trip! The sun was shining, we were sailing what would you want more! We met 2 other Dutch girls and so we ended up celebrating our last queensday on Whitsundays! With some orange bandanas we were in the mood! We went to whithaven beach and it was stunning, so beautiful! The most finest and white sand I've ever seen! It was just amazing! Off course we made the legend photos with vegemite and jumping (which will follow soon!). And off course we snorkelled in the great barrier reef! It was very nice and a great experience, so I'll say come on with my padi! (certificate).

After this amazing trip we went further up, this time to magnetic island! We had to go by ferry and stayed at a nice place with bungalow like dorms. Where the possums and wallabies would walk around into the wild! It was a nice magnetic place and we did some walks to some beaches you can only enter by foot! So we were pretty active with the walks and had some amazing views! The second day we did a walk up to a fort and on the way up you could spot some wild koalas. And with my spotting skills I saw two wild koalas! So that was a very nice added value to the walk.
Magnetic island was a little paradise! And now we're of to the other cities, mission beach and cairns! Pretty exited about cairns so we'll see, and you will see my next blog!

Oh and for the record....the people who thought I was coming home in August.....small detail, I changed my flight to the max, so to 2014....but no worries I'll be fine ;)! Bye bye!

  • 08 Mei 2013 - 16:19


    Verlengd!!! nice! cool stories

  • 30 Mei 2013 - 21:50

    Marja Schornagel:

    hoi birthe eindelijk je engels talige reis verslag gelezen, samen met marvin, en die vind jou vriendinnen wel erg leuk, dus zeg ik ;wel koop een ticket en zoek ze even op ha,ha. wat heb je weer een geweldige dingen gedaan e wa goed dat je langer weg blijft, top, je geniet ,dat is zeker al krijgt je moeder af en to een hart aanval en herkent bresse haar eigen zuster niet meer cool hoor. gelukkig hebben wij ook 2 dagen zon gehad, hoeraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa wel tot gauw maar weer en groetjes van mij, xxx marja

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